We are serving up good vibes for finals! It can be a challenging time but remember, you got this! 
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Unlimited Plus (Default)
  • Unlimited Dining Hall Meals per semester
  • $500 Dining Dollars
  • 10 Meal Swipes per week
  • 5 Guest Meals

Ready to Sign Up?

  • You can select or change your meal plan by logging intoMyCoastalHome, where you completed your housing application.
  • Log in with the external service for Coastal-Student SSO Login. Enter your CCUs credentials to access your account.
  • Select the task bar on the left side of the screen and select Off Campus Meal Plan.
  • If you have issues choosing your meal plan or housing application, please contact University Housing at 843-349-6400.
  • You will auto re-enroll in your meal plan next semester, unless you opt-out.